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Shihad Sleepeater

Warner Music

For this interactive music video, Sam Peacocke invited a hundred trusting Shihad fans to sign a waver then sit down on a stool in a darkened booth.

The fans were spun, shot with high pressure air canons, blasted with jets of water, and flashed with dozens of 5K lights. All of it was captured at 1000 frames a second and perfectly synchronized so that when played back at 1/1000 speed, the slow ballet plays out in time to the movements of the song.

As an interactive experience, you can switch between any of the 100 videos, and zoom in to see the footage at full 1280x720 high res video.
The site was build in Flash and the video streams through Flash Media Server. The quality automatically adjusts itself to your bandwidth conditions, insuring smooth playback and instantaneous interaction.

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Director: Sam Peacocke
Design and Development: Matt von Trott, Mark Zeman, Jeff Nusz (Oktobor)